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1830s Camp Meeting or Religious Revival in Virginia


A Narrative of the Visit to the American Churches by Andrew Reed (1782-1862) and James Matheson published in 1838

Early 19th-century camp meeting

We were now on the Northern Neck, an isthmus of various width, and some 150 miles long, which is separated from the mainland of Virginia by the Rappahannoc...We got at last into less frequented paths; wound again and again round the clustering trees and opposing stumps, and then came to what I regarded as the signs of the object sought.  There were, under some trees, pens for the safety of horses; then there were carriages of all descriptions, appearing with horses and oxen, secured and at rest, and occasionally a negro in attendance on them.  Then you passed by a large log-house, which was erected for the time, to supply lodging and food to such as needed them.  Now you saw, in several directions, the parts of cabins, made of the pine-tree, and of the same colour, and only distinguished from it by the horizontal lines in which it ran; and presently you found yourself at the entrance of all you wished to see.

Camp Meeting 1819 American Methodists proceeding to their Camp Meeting English print by or after Jacques-Gérard Milbert (French artist, 1766–1840)

There were in lines, intersected by the trees, a number of tents composed of log-wood, forming a quadrangle of about 180 feet.  In the centre of the further line, in this square, there was a stand for the accommodation of the preachers, which would contain twelve or fourteen persons.  Behind this were stems of trees laid down as seats for the negroes, running off in radiating lines, and closed by some tents for their use, and forming the segment of a circle.  Before the stand, or pulpit, a rail was carried round the first five or six seats, which we called the altar; and seats, composed of tree-stems, filled up the centre of the square.  Within, without, everywhere, the oak, the chestnut, and the fir appeared, and of finest growth; only those within the quadrangle were cleared of underwood, and trimmed up to aid the sight, so that they resembled the beautiful pillars of a cathedral; while their lofty heads, unpruned by the hand of man, united, and made a foliated ceiling, such as no cathedral could approach, and through which the blue sky and bright sun were glancing.

Lorenzo Dow (1777-1834) was a spellbinding but eccentric traveling Methodist evangelist who could still a turbulent camp meeting with "the sound of his voice or at the sight of his fragile but awe-inspiring presence." Dow's audiences often exhibited unusual physical manifestations under the influence of his impassioned preaching. Lorenzo Dow and the Jerking Exercise. Engraving by Lossing-Barrett, from Samuel G. Goodrich, Recollections of a Lifetime. New York: 1856 

It was now the hour of morning worship.  The pulpit was full; the seats were covered with waiting worshippers.  I approached the stand; and was welcomed by the brethren.  We rose, and united in a hymn of praise...The singing to which I have referred, was followed by prayer and a sermon.  The text was, “If God spared not his own Son,” &c.—The preacher was a plain man, and without education; and he had small regard either to logic or grammar.  He had, however, as is common to such persons, an aspiration after high-sounding terms and sentiments, which stood in strange opposition to the general poverty and incorrectness of his expressions.  The proposition, for instance, raised on his text was this:—That the gift of Christ to sinners is the thing set forth with most life, animation, and eloquence, of any thing in the world.  Such a proposition, though badly propounded, was of course above such a man; but though what he said did but little for his proposition, it was said with earnestness and pious feeling, and it told on the plain and serious portions of his audience.  He was followed by a brother of higher qualifications, who took up the close of his subject, and addressed it to the conscience with skill and effect.  The exhortation was terminated by an invitation to come and take a seat within the altar.  These seats were, when wanted, in other words, the anxious seats; two of them were cleared, and a suitable hymn was sung, that persons might have time to comply.  Very few came; chiefly a mother with her boy, who had previously seemed to court notice.  The lad had indulged in noisy crying and exclamation; he was in the hand of an indiscreet parent, and had not been sufficiently discouraged by the ministers.  The exhortations, and then the singing, were renewed; but still with small effect, as to the use of the prepared seats; and so this service closed... 

Camp Meeting with Ladies on one side & Gentlemen on the other

The afternoon service was very similar in arrangement and in effect.  The text was, “Let the wicked man forsake his way,” &c.; but the preacher certainly made a feeble use of a powerful passage.  It was interrupted, too, by a noisy and intemperate man, who had found his way hither; yet it was followed by exhortation superior to itself, and an urgent appeal to the people to come forward and separate themselves.  The results were not better than before.  The only apology for thus pressing under unfavourable circumstances was, that the meetings had been held now for three days; that the solemn services of the Sabbath had just passed over the people; and the worthy ministers were anxious for visible fruit, not only as arising from the present appeal, but from past impressions.

The Kentucky revivals originated with Presbyterians and emerged from marathon outdoor communion seasons, which were a feature of Presbyterian practice in Scotland. Sacramental Scene in a Western Forest Lithograph by P.S. Duval, c 1801

These were the more public and regular services; but other engagements were always fulfilling.  The ministers were invited by their friends to the several tents, to exhort, and sing, and pray, so that when they ceased in one place, they were renewed in another.  And at all times those who liked to gather within the altar, and sing, were allowed to do so; and as, when they were weary, others came up and supplied their places, the singing was without ceasing...

Soon, however, the hoarse notes of the horn vibrated through the air, and summoned me to return.  It was the notice for worship at sundown; and as there is little twilight here, the nightfall comes on suddenly.  I hastened to obey the call, and took my place with the brethren on the preachers’ stand.  The day had now expired, and with it the scene was entirely changed, as if by magic, and it was certainly very impressive.  On the stand were about a dozen ministers, and over their heads were suspended several three-pronged lamps, pouring down their radiance on their heads, and surrounding them with such lights and shadows as Rembrandt would love to copy.  Behind the stand were clustered about 300 negroes, who, with their black faces and white dresses thrown into partial lights, were a striking object.  Before us was a full-sized congregation collected, more or less revealed, as they happened to be near or distant from the points of illumination.  Over the people were suspended from the trees a number of small lamps, which, in the distance, seemed like stars sparkling between their branches.  Around the congregation, and within the line of the tents, were placed some elevated tripods, on which large fires of pine wood were burning, cracking, blazing; and shooting upward like sacrificial flames to heaven.  They gave amazing power to the picture, by casting a flood of waving light on the objects near to them, and leaving every thing else in comparative obscurity.  Still at greater distance might be seen, in several directions, the dull flickering flame of the now neglected domestic fire; and the sparks emitted from it, together with the firefly, rose and shot across the scene like meteors, and then dropped into darkness.  Never was darkness made more visible, more present.  All the lights that were enkindled appeared only to have this effect; as everywhere more was hidden than seen.  If the eye sought for the tents, it was only here and there that the dark face of one could be dimly seen; the rest was wrapped in darkness; and if it rose with the trees around you, the fine verdant and vaulted roof which they spread over you was mostly concealed by the mysterious and thickening shadows which dwelt there.  Then, if you would pierce beyond these limits, there lay around you and over you, and over the unbounded forest that enclosed you, a world of darkness, to which your little illuminated spot was as nothing.  I know of no circumstances having more power to strike the imagination and the heart.

Methodist camp meeting by or after Jacques-Gérard Milbert (French artist, 1766–1840) c 1819. engraving by Matthew Dubourg

But to the exercises.  The singing, which had been sustained in all the interval by some younger persons, now showed its results.  Two or three young women were fainting under the exhaustion and excitement; and one, who was reported to me as a Methodist, was in hysterical ecstasy, raising her hands, rolling her eyes, and smiling and muttering.  It appeared that she courted this sort of excitement as many do a dram, and was frequent at meetings of this character, for the sake of enjoying it.

 Camp Meeting in Western part of Virginia 1840 Henry Howe's Historical Collections of Virginia

However, after disposing of this slight interruption, the regular service began.  It was to be composed of exhortation and prayer; and it was excellently conducted.  The leading ministers, who had been wearied by the claims of the Sabbath, had evidently reserved themselves for this period.  The first address referred to the past; the effort which had been made; the results which ought to follow, but which had not followed, and which the speaker feared would not follow.  It was closed by an affectionate expression of concern that they would now show that it had not been in vain.  The next exhortation was on conversion.  Some skilful and orthodox distinctions were established on the subject, as it involves the agency of the Spirit and the agency of man.  It was discriminative, but it was plain and pungent; and threw all the responsibility of perversity and refusal on the sinner.  It made a strong impression.

1800s Camp Meeting

The third exhortation was on indifference and despondency.  The subject was well timed and well treated.  The speaker combated these evils as likely to be a preventative in most persons in coming to a decision; and he made a wise use of evangelical truth for this purpose.  He supported the other addresses by an earnest appeal to separate themselves, and show that they were resolved to rank on the Lord’s side.  The people were evidently much more interested than they had been; and the preachers were desirous of bringing them to an issue.  Exhortation and singing were renewed; and it was proposed that they should go down and pass among the people, for the purpose of conversing with them, and inducing them to come forward.  By these personal applications and persuasions, a considerable number were induced to come forward; and fervent prayer of a suitable character was offered in their behalf.

Methodist camp meeting. Alexander Rider, Hugh Bridport, Kennedy & Lucas lithograph, ca. 1829

It was already late, and here, at least, the service should have stopped.  This was the opinion of the wiser and elder brethren, but they did not press it; and those of weaker mind and stronger nerve thought that the work had only just begun.  It was wished that I should retire, but I was desirous of witnessing the scene.  Other exhortations and prayers, of a lower but more noisy character, were made, with endless singing; favourite couplets would be taken up and repeated without end.  The effect was various, but it was not good; some, with their feelings worn out, had passed the crisis, and it was in vain to seek to impress them; while others were unduly and unprofitably excited.

None discovered this more than the blacks.  They separated themselves from the general service, and sought their own preacher and anxious seat.  A stand was presently fixed between two trees; a preacher was seen appearing and disappearing between them, as his violent gesticulation caused him to lean backwards or forwards.  The blacks had now things to their mind, and they pressed round the speaker, on their feet or their knees, with extended hands, open lips, and glistening eyes: while the strong lights of a tripod, close to which they had assembled, fell across the scene, and gave it great interest and power...It was now considerably past eleven o’clock; I thought I had seen all the forms which the subject was likely to take; and I determined to answer the request of my friends, and retire.

African American Camp Meeting in the South, Harper's Weekly 1872

I had been assured that a bed was reserved for me at the preachers’ tent, and I now went in search of it.  The tent is constructed like the rest, and is about eighteen feet by fourteen.  As the ministers are expected to take their meals at the other tents, this is prepared as a lodging-room.  An inclined shelf, about six feet wide and four high, runs along the entire side of it, and it is supplied with six beds.  I chose the one in the farther corner, in the hope of escaping interruption; as the bed next to me was already occupied by a person asleep.  I relieved myself of my upper garments, and laid myself down in my weariness to rest.  The other beds soon got filled.  But still the brethren were coming to seek accommodation.  One of them crept up by the side of the person next to me; and as the bed would only suit one, he really lay on the margin of his and mine.  Thus discomposed, my resolution was immediately taken not to sleep at all.  There was, however, no need of this proud resolution, for that night there was to be no sleep for me.  There were still other parties to come, and beds to be provided.  After this there was the singing renewed, and still renewed, till youth and enthusiasm were faint and weary, and then it died away.  Still there remained the barking of the watch-dogs, the sawing of the kat-e-dids and locusts, and the snoring of my more favoured companions, and these were incessant...

Edward Williams Clay (after) (American artist, 1799-1857)  Camp Meeting 1838

When the sun actually rose, the horn blew for prayers.  To me, all restless as I had been, it was a joyful sound.  I waited till others had dressed, that I might do so with greater quiet.  I stole away into the forest, and was much refreshed by the morning breeze and fresh air...         On my return, the ministers renewed their kind application to me to preach on the morning of this day.  I begged to be excused, as I had had no rest, and had taken cold, and was not prepared to commit myself to the peculiarities of their service, and which they might deem essential.  They met again; and unanimously agreed to press it on me; “it should be the ordinary service, and nothing more; and as an expectation had been created by my presence, many would come, under its influence, and it would place any other minister at great disadvantage.”  My heart was with this people and the leading pastors, and I consented to preach...

Main Square of the Duck Creek Methodist Episcopal Church Camp Meeting, During Service, near Cincinnati

At eleven o’clock the service began.  I took my place on the stand; it was quite full.  The seats, and all the avenues to them, were also quite full.  Numbers were standing, and for the sake of being within hearing, were contented to stand.  It was evident that rumour had gone abroad, and that an expectation had been created, that a stranger would preach this morning, for there was a great influx of people, and of the most respectable class which this country furnishes.  There were not less than 1,500 persons assembled.  Mr. Taylor offered fervent and suitable prayer.  It remained for me to preach.  I can only say that I did so with earnestness and freedom.  I soon felt that I had the attention and confidence of the congregation, and this gave me confidence.  I took care, in passing, as my subject allowed, to withdraw my sanction from any thing noisy and exclamatory; and there was, through the discourse, nothing of the kind; but there was a growing attention and stillness over the people.  The closing statements and appeals were evidently falling on the conscience and heart, with still advancing power.  The people generally leaned forward, to catch what was said.  Many rose from their seats; and many, stirred with grief, sunk down, as if to hide themselves from observation; but all was perfectly still.  Silently the tear fell; and silently the sinner shuddered.  I ceased.  Nobody moved.  I looked round to the ministers from some one to give out a hymn.  No one looked at me—no one moved.  Every moment, the silence, the stillness, became more solemn and overpowering.  Now, here and there, might be heard suppressed sobbing arising on the silence.  But it could be suppressed no longer—the fountains of feeling were burst open, and one universal wail sprung from the people and ministers, while the whole mass sunk down on their knees, as if imploring some one to pray.  I stood resting on the desk, overwhelmed like the people.  The presiding pastor arose, and, throwing his arms round my neck, exclaimed, “Pray, brother, pray!  I fear many of my charge will be found at the left hand of the Judge!  Oh, pray, brother, pray for us!” and then he cast himself on the floor with his brethren, to join in the prayer.  But I could not pray!  I must have been more or less than man to have uttered prayer at that moment!  Nor was it necessary.  All, in that hour, were intercessors with God, with tears, and cries, and groans unutterable.

Revival Meeting, c. 1850. Painting by Jeremiah Paul (American artist, 1761-1820)

So soon as I could command my state of feeling, I tried to offer prayer.  My broken voice rose gradually on the troubled cries of the people, and gradually they subsided, so that they could hear and concur in the common supplications.  It ceased, and the people rose.  We seemed a changed people to each other.  No one appeared disposed to move from the spot, and yet no one seemed disposed for ordinary exercises.  Elder Taylor moved forward and remarked—“That it was evident nothing but prayer suited them at this time.  And as so many had been impressed by the truth, who had not before, he wished, if they were willing, to bring it to the test of prayer.”  He therefore proposed that if such persons wished to acknowledge the impression received, and to join in prayer for their personal salvation, they should show it by kneeling down, and he would pray with them.  In an instant, as if instinct with one spirit, the whole congregation sunk down to the ground...

At Eastham for the Camp Meeting 1852

Thus closed the most remarkable service I have ever witnessed.  It has been my privilege to see more of the solemn and powerful effect of divine truth on large bodies of people than many; but I never saw any thing equal to this; so deep, so overpowering, so universal. 

Religious revival meeting at Eastham, Mass., 1852 Exhortation and preaching at the Camp Meeting at Eastham

Of what use are camp-meetings?  ... In the newly-settled parts, where the inhabitants are so few, and are scattered over so large a surface, the ordinary means of worship and instruction can for a time hardly be enjoyed; and, in this interval, the camp-meeting seems an excellent device for the gathering of the people.  Under such circumstances, the very fact of the being brought together, though it were not for religious purposes, would be a decided benefit...Where the camp-meeting is really wanted and really useful, it interests a careless people in their own moral and religious wants; and is the natural and general forerunner, as the population thickens, of the school-house, the church, and all the appliances of civil life.

This sketch, by Benjamin Henry Latrobe (1764-1820), shows the layout of an 1809 Methodist camp meeting in Fairfax County, Virginia. The men's seats were separated from the women's and the "negro tents" from the whites. To accommodate the powerful, at times uncontrollable, emotions generated at a camp meeting, Latrobe indicated that, at the right of the main camp, the organizers had erected "a boarded enclosure filled with straw, into which the converted were thrown that they might kick about without injuring themselves."   Plan of the Camp, August 8, 1809 Journal of Benjamin Latrobe, August 23, 1806- August 8, 1809

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