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Chronological listing of Books by Women Authors: 1820-1829


Chronological listing of Books by Women Authors: 1820-1829


Brooks, Maria Gowen. Judith, Esther, and Other Poems.

Cheney, Harriet Vaughan Foster. The Sunday School, or Village Sketches.

Huntington, Susan Mansfield. Little Lucy, or, The Careless Child Reformed.

Robbins, Eliza. American Popular Lessons.

Savage, Sarah. Filial Affection, orThe Clergyman's granddaughter.


Savage, Sarah. James Talbot.

Thayer, Caroline Matilda Warren. Letter to Members of the Methodist Episcipal Church of the City of New York.
_____, compiler. Muzzy, Harriet. Poems, Moral and Sentimental [includes poems by Thayer].
Willard, Emma Hart and William C. Woodbridge. Rudiments of Geography, on a new plan.


Rowson, Susanna Haswell. Biblical Dialogues Between a Father and His Family.

Sedgwick, Catherine Maria. Mary Hollis.

_____. A New England Tale.

Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley. Traits of the Aborigines of America.

Willard, Emma Hart and William C. Woodbridge. Ancient Geography.


Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. The Genius of Oblivion and Other Original Poems.

Morton, Sarah Wentworth Apthorp. My Mind and Its Thoughts in Sketches, Fragments, and Essays.

Rowson, Susanna Haswell. "America and Liberty" [song].
_____. "America, Commerce and Freedom" [song].
Savage, Sarah. Advice to a young woman at service.

Thayer, Caroline Matilda Warren. First Lessons in the History of the U.S.


Adams, Hannah. Letters on the Gospels.

Cheney, Harriet Vaughan Foster. A Peep at the Pilgrims.

Child, Lydia Maria Francis. Hobomok.

_____. Evenings in New England.

Cushing, Eliza Lanesford Foster. Saratoga: A Tale of the Revolution.

Dix, Dorothea Lynde. Conversations on Common Things.

Livermore, Harriet. Scriptural evidence in favor of female testimony in meetings for Christian worship in letters to a friend.

Savage, Sarah. The Badge.

Sedgwick, Catherine Maria. Redwood.

Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley. Sketch of Connecticut, Forty Years Since.

Smith, Margaret Bayard. A Winter in Washington.

Willard, Emma Hart and William C. Woodbridge. Universal Geography.


Brooks, Maria Gowen. Zophiel, a Poem.

Child, Lydia Maria Francis. The Rebels.

Dix, Dorothea Lynde. Hymns for Children.

_____. Evening Hours.

Evans, Sarah Ann. Resignation: an American Novel.

Sedgwick, Catherine Maria. The Travellers.


Cushing, Eliza Lanesford Foster. Yorktown: An Historical Romance.

Livermore, Harriet. An epistle of love, addressed to the youth and children of Germantown, Pa.

_____. A narration of religious experience.

Royall, Anne Newport. Sketches of History.

Sedgwick, Catherine Maria. The Deformed Boy.

Smith, Sarah Pogson. Daughters of Eve.

Willard, Emma Hart. Geography for Beginners.


Cheney, Harriet Vaughan Foster. The Rivals of Acadia.

Child, Lydia Maria Francis. Emily Parker, or Impulse, not Principle.

Dix, Dorothea Lynde. John Williams, or The Sailor Boy.

_____. Marrion Wilder.

_____. The Prize: or Three Half Crowns.

Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot. The Well-Spent Hour, No. I-XII. . (1827-1828)
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. Northwood: A Tale of New England.

Hart, Jannette M. Nahant: or, "The Floure of Souvenance."

Leslie, Eliza. Seventy-five Recipes for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.

Robbins, Eliza. Sequel to American Popular Lessons.

Royall, Anne Newport. The Tennessean.

Savage, Sarah. Life of Philip, the Indian Chief.

Sedgwick, Catherine Maria. Hope Leslie.

Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley. Poems.

Tuthill, Louisa Caroline Huggins. James Somers: The Pilgrim's Son.

Wood, Sarah (Sally) Sayward Barrell Keating. Tales of the Night.


Child, Lydia Maria Francis. Biographical Sketches of Great and Good Men..

_____, ed. Moral Lesson in Verse.

_____. The First Settlers of New England; or, Conquest of the Pequots, Narragansetts, and Pokanokets.

Dix, Dorothea Lynde. Meditations for Private Hours.

_____. Robert Woodward.

_____. The Storm.

_____. Sequel to Marrion Wilder.

_____. George Mills, or, The Little Boy Who Did Not Love His Books.

Embury, Emma Catherine Manley. Guido: A Tale; Sketches from History and Other Poems.

Hale, Sarah Preston Everett. Boston Reading Lessons for Primary Schools.

Hart, Jannette M. Cora; or The Genius of America.

Leslie, Eliza. The Mirror.

_____, translator. Eugene and Lolotte.

Robbins, Eliza, ed. Poetry for Schools.

_____. Primary dictionary, or Rational Vocabulary.

Rowson, Susanna Haswell. Charlotte's Daughter.

Royall, Anne Newport. The Cabinet, a play.

_____. The Black Book. (1828-1829)
Sanders, Elizabeth Elkins. Conversations.

Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. A short essay to do good.

Sedgwick, Elizabeth Buckminster Dwight. The Beatitudes.

Smith, Margaret Bayard. What is Gentility?

Tuthill, Louisa Caroline Huggins. Love of Admiration, or Mary's Visit to Boston.

Willard, Emma Hart. History of the U.S.


Beecher, Catherine Esther. Suggestions Respecting Improvements in Education.

Child, Lydia Maria Frances. The Frugal Housewife.

Davidson, Lucretia Maria. Amir Khan and Other Poems.

Dix, Dorothea Lynde, ed. The Garland of Flora.

_____. The Pearl, or Affection's Gift[no known extant copy]
Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot. The Warning.

_____, ed. Selections from Fenelon.

Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. Sketches of American Character.

Leslie, Eliza. Stories for Emma.

_____. Stories for Adelaide.

_____. The Young Americans.

Phelps, Almira Hart Lincoln. Familiar Lectures on Botany.
Reed, Anna C. The Life of George Washington.

Robbins, Eliza. Tales from American History; containing the principal facts in the life of Christopher Columbus.

Royall, Anne Newport. Mrs. Royall's Pennsylvania.

Savage, Sarah. Sunday School Conversations.

Sedgwick, Susan Anne Livingston Ridley. The Morals of Pleasure.

Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley. Female Biography.

Smith, Sarah Louisa P. Poems.

Williams, Catherine Read Arnold. Religion at Home.

Bibliography compiled for Dr. Judith Fetterley by Lois Dellert Raskin. 

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