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1820 Jane Lewis's Journal writes of life at Litchfield Female Academy

Jane Lewis' Journal for the summer of 1820.

Litchfield Female Seminary in Connecticut

Sunday morning Mr. Beecher preached from Gen. 7th Chap. 1st & 5th, "And the Lord said unto Noah, come thou, and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.""And Noah did according unto all the Lord commanded." In about 15 years God looked upon the earth, and saw there was great wickedness, and he said "The heart of man is evil continually, every imagination of man's heart was evil and he said " I will destroy man whom I have created, from the face of the earth, both man & beast & the creeping things & the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that I have made them" but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and he said unto Noah, make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shall thou have made in the ark & shall pitch it within & without with pitch." As the ark saved Noah, so will Christ save all who trust in him. Noah by faith prepared him an ark to save him from destruction, so also may Christiaus prepare the souls of their children from the bonds of Satan, It has pleased God to prescribe duties to parents & it has also pleased him to save those who believe on him. At the appointed time when all needful preparations had been made Noah was directed to enter with all his family: into the ark: because the Lord had " seen him righteous before him in that generation" the apostle says that he "became heir of the righteousness which is by faith, The same principle which induced him to believe, on the testimony of God, & contrary to all human probability, that the deluge would come at the appointed season, led him also, on the same testimony, to expect the day of judgement & perdition of ungodly men, this moved him to flee from the wrath to come, as well as to prepare the ark; & as he believed that, in the ark alone he could be safe during the approaching deluge; so he doubtless believed the revelation of a saviour, & sought & expected salvation through him alone. The duty of God requires that he that exercises faith for his children shall be saved, Noah exercises faith for not only his children but for all mankind, he preached 120 years for their salvation but what effect did it have " God has made provision in the covenant of grace for our children. Before the deluge Noah's family was the only one who could say, I keep thy commandments. What relation should we exercise toward our children. In order to bring our children to Christ we must first come to him ourselves "God has mercy on whom he will have mercy" It is necessary to bring them to a covenant with Christ. The piety of parents is necessary to bring their children to a peace with God. When children are in great danger parents who have no religion themselves may feel interested for the welfare of their children, and when parents die & have no heavenly comfort, they feel for them & repent if their past life has not been spent to the salvation of their children.

"What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world & lose his own soul," heavenly treasures are eternal, but earthly riches are but few & transient. Happy they who are a part of Christs family, and safe with him in the ark, they may look forward without dismay, & rejoice in the assurance that they shall triumph when a deluge of fire shall encircle the visible creation, but, unless we. dare to be singular, & renounce the favor and venture the scorn & hatred of the world unless we be willing to submit to self denial & diligence, we can find no admission into this ark

Sunday afternoon Mr. Beecher preached from Hosea 10th. 1st, "Isreal is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself" Isreal has often been compared to a vine, but the nation was become an empty vine that bringeth forth no fruit to perfection. They not only spent their abundance on themselves but even their apparent good works sprang from ostentation, or other selfish motives, & not from regard to the glory & the will of God. We shall consider first that there is a difference between love & selfishness. We exercise more love to ourselves than to our neighbours & this is termed selfishness. 2nd. modification of selfishness is to love to God. God loves his children if we keep his commandments.

Sunday evening Mr Brace read a sermon.

Monday we were examined in the third volumne of Sacred History and recited in Modern Europe.

Tuesday sums were given out. —

Wednesday morning recited in Logic and Modern Europe, afternoon I went over to see Roxana Clark along with Maria C.

Thursday was parsing afternoon, no division beat as several had the same. —

Friday was examination day.

Saturday Miss Pierce gave us some very good instruction.

Sunday morning Mr. Baldwin preached . . . evening I attended conference, Mr Baldwin read a letter from Mr. Beecher concerning the revival at New Haven & delivered an exhortation —

Monday to Saturday nothing particular happened. I attended school and recited my usual lessons in Logic & Modern Europe — & attended to the usual occupations of school, mornings & evening's generally devoted to study.

Saturday afternoon took a short ride.

Sunday morning I attended meeting heard Mr. Hooker preach — Evening attended conference — The remainder of the week was spent the same as usual.

Sunday morning Mr. Beecher preached — Evening Mr. Beecher gave an account of the revival in New Haven.

Monday was examined in 3rd Vol — of Universal History

Tuesday forenoon recited in Logic & Modern Europe & wrote, afternoon Mr. Brace gave out sums. I did not have the good luck like others of my companions to get a sum done — evening took a short walk.

Wednesday was field-day — I had the great pleasure of seeing a Louisania Parawra or Black Bear —

Thursday was parsing day Miss Rogers division beat —

Friday was examined in Modern Europe, Logic & the Coast.1

Saturday my name was called, I cared more for the lecture that I expected than the miss for ciphering, but it was short, much more so than I expected. —

Sunday morning Mr. Beecher preached. — evening attended conference.

Monday forenoon recited in Logic & Modern Europe afternoon was examined in Third Volume of Universal History & spelt.

Thursday took the coast & recited in Logic & Modern Europe.

Wednesday was holiday evening Betsey & Elizabeth both went to walk with me.

Thursday afternoon were called to parse, our division has beaten twice this summer, evening Betsey & Elizabeth went with me up to Mr. Brace's. We spent the evening very pleasantly with Ann Jones & Margaret Mix.

Friday morning took the coast & were examined in Modern Europe afternoon examined in Logic & the Coast, the latter I did not miss in evening was spent in writing journal & coast.

Saturday the credit marks were taken in & I had about an hundred for writing etc.

Sunday. Mr. Beecher preached morning & afternoon. Sunday evening I attended conference

Monday was examined in Chemistry missed three times afternoon in Modern Europe did not miss.

Tuesday morning finished being examined in Modern Europe & was in afternoon examined in Universal History.

Wednesday was examined in Universal History all day & missed considerable.

Thursday was examined in lectures in Astronomy. Philosophy &c. by having two weeks journal to copy I have missed the wrong weeks journal, This week I have been attending school & preparing myself for the general examination

Sunday morning attended meeting. Mr. Beeeher preached morning & afternoon. Evening attended conference. Monday was examined in Chemistry & Modern Europe. Tuesday was examined in Modern Europe & Universal History. Wednesday was examined in History. Thursday in Paley, Philosophy & Logic Friday in Philosophy, Arithmetic & Rhetoric. Saturday in Grammar Sunday Mr. Mills preached.

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